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There are many UN – Regulations and MO / ILO International Regulations/ EU – Regulations that indicates the course of action/prohibition for hazardous substances.

Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on ship recycling and amending Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006,and Directive 2009/16/EC came into force on 30 December 2013.

Hong Kong Convention, approved by the IMO in 2009 is not yet in force but all parties working hard on achieving the goal. Both are placing increasing demands on maritime operators to give attention to health and safety considerations. As a result from above – all EU-flagged types of vessels of 500 GT and over must have an IHM on board

Vessels from non-EU countries will also be required to carry an IHM when calling at EU-ports. Furthermore, EUflagged vessels must be demolished in an approved ship recycling facility. New build EU-flagged vessels must have an IHM on board with a Statement of Compliance from after 31 December 2018.


Ship owners/builders/national authorities/suppliers must ensure a safe,environmentally viable management of hazardous materials and the sustainable recycling of vessels. They must be in
possession of an IHM or an International Ready for Recycling Certifcate (IRRC). Vessels can be checked by the Port state control at all European ports.

SEAHARMONY provide special IHM service team that carry out inspection on-board vessels to comply with both the EU Ship Recycling Regulation (EU SRR) and the IMO MEPC.269(68) requirements. We work closely with the crew and the Classification societies, ensuring that the shipowner not only complies with the regulation but also has an accurate overview of hazardous materials on-board.

The benefts of the IHM are widely acknowledged within the shipping industry:

  • To be in line with current and Regulations
  • Prepare for compliance to regional requirements
  • Signal excellent standards (Environmental Passport / Clean Design/etc)
  • Be able to manage maintenance and investments more smoothly
  • Realize a higher resale value of the vessel
  • Boost your image as a Green Company
  • Market advantage through better environmental performance
  • IHM improves the Company’s ISO
  • Management System
  • IHM contributes to a better health and safety environment on board
  • Enhancement of ship building quality through
  • IHM (Asbestos and ODS free status)

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